4 ways to build a business

4 ways to build a business

Hey! To help you get your questions answered quickly, I created this new mini-post series all about Squarespace and Biz tips. Blogs in the mini-series will be shorter and sometimes related to a Freebie to help you get some answers to your questions.

Today, let’s discuss four ways to build your dream business in uncertain times. So, we know that the pandemic outbreak has more people wanting to launch their online businesses. But where to start when you have no money, website, or clients? First, here are three questions:

  • What do you want to offer?
  • Why do you want to offer this product or service – which problem do you want to solve?
  • Who are you targeting (who’s your ICA – Ideal Customer/Community Avatar)?

Then, Start A New Project. Remember, with this pandemic; it’s maybe the time to create something new, something you love with your own rules to follow.

Here are four ways to do it:

Invest In A New Skill

Search on Google and find FREE online courses. Be open to learning new skills, and open your eyes to other opportunities that will broaden your horizons.

Network, Network, Network

Networking is the key to your success. Use Facebook to create connections with people in your industry. Be part of Facebook groups and engage in discussions. You can also use Instagram to connect and showcase your products/services, and don’t forget people love Behind-The-Scenes Content!

Volunteer Your Expertise

Give back again and again. No one knows you and/or your expertise. Serve people well NOW, answer their questions, and give them some advice, so they return for more LATER.

Collaborate With Peers

Do you need a free website? Offer your talents to someone else in exchange for your website, your marketing plan, or anything in between.

So here is how I built my business, I push FREE content and help others… and when they trust me, they are ready to pay. Give it a try, and let me know how it works!


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