Online business – Essentials

Online business - Essentials

2020 is almost over, and many decided to chase their dream and launch their dream business this year.

Do you have the courage to do something you’re afraid of and motivate you to chase after your dreams?

Are you ready to take the first step and create an online business that will give you more freedom than you ever thought possible?

Here are some tips when you are ready to take the first step and build your online business!

Define your niche

First thing first, ask yourself: “what is t”e one thing that people always ask me for advice on?”. It can “e related to your current job, but it can also be something else. Maybe you love creating fantastic birthday cakes for your kids, and all moms always ask you how you can make them.

If you need help defining your niche, then I invite you to read this post ”Pick Your Niche

Your niche doesn’t have to be complicated or even profitable for your customers. It just has to be where there could be an apparent demand, but FOCUS and remember that you can’t sell can’t anything to everyone!

Build your website

It’s impossible to have a successful online business without being online! But it’s not enough to have a website. But the good news is that you don’t have to spend many dollars to make your first website. Crafting your brand includes having a logo representing who you are and creating copywriting. At this stage, it’s 100% possible for you to DIY a professional-looking website. The website-building platform that I highly recommend is SQUARESPACE.

New to Squarespace? You can sign up for a free trial directly on SQUARESPACE.

Create an irresistible lead magnet & opt-in page

Create different lead magnets to attract your ICA (ideal audience). You aim to collect the emails by setting up an opt-in and thank you page! You can create a challenge, a cheat sheet, a checklist, a guide, a mini-course or training, a quiz, a video, or audio training.

To create a great lead magnet, you can use CANVA (IT’S FREE!).

For your video or audio training, you can use Quicktime for recording and iMovie for editing if you’re using a MAC (IT’S FREE) or Screencast-O-Matic for recording and Openshot editing using a PC (IT’S FREE). You also have a paid option: Screenflow for MAC users to record and edit slides and audio!

Pick the right strategy

Once your website is up and running, you need to get more visitors. Putting out new content often will help you grow your audience.

Create a blog, a podcast, or a vlog where you can share helpful content weekly… and engage with people who will eventually become paying customers. The key is to create content and email it to your subscribers to build an audience who knows, likes, and trusts you and will be ready to buy your products and services.

Remember, don’t platform-switch.

Don’t blog post one week, then a podcast episode the next, and then throw in a random video the following week. Stick with what you do best and what best serves your audience.

And keep this word in mind: Consistency!

Use social media

On Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or Linkedin… engage with your audience! Use social media to get your potential ICAs to visit your website. Invite Instagram followers to your email list and convert your LinkedIn followers to email subscribers. Social media expert Jasmine Star successfully discusses how to use social media for your business in her BLOG and presents four strategies: Post consistently, Create one-to-one connections, post with intention, and Have a plan and strategy.

And again, keep this word in mind: Consistency!

Not ready to launch your online biz? 

Dream big, start small… and remember, you’ll never feel 100% ready!

And you, what were the essentials when you started your business?

Cheers to your new online biz, Y’all!  

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