Episode 25 – SCHEDULE NOT COMPLETELY BOOKED. Knowing what to do when your schedule is not completely booked is important.
Sonia had a busy summer, but things are slowing down, and she is looking for advice other than reaching out to potential clients.
I had a busy summer, but things are slowing down. I have clients already booked for the next few weeks, but I have free time in my schedule for the first time, and it’s scary. Any advice? What should I do with this free time other than reach out to chat with potential clients? Any advice?
Here is what you do.
Create new content
If you have more time, write more Blogs or create new Podcast episodes or videos to provide advice or to promote your products and services.
Develop a new offering or add a passive income product
You can develop a mini-course, a workbook, or give a new masterclass. Take the time to create something unique for your ICA (Ideal customers or community avatar). You could also create a new freebie to help you grow your email list.
Invest in your development
Take online courses, read books, and listen to Podcasts! Learn new skills to be able to develop a new offering for your clients.
Take action now and establish your plan to learn new skills. It’s time to think short-term and long-term here. I love to listen to different podcasts when I go for a walk or a run, and I read books early in the morning to kickstart my day!
Another tip: Maybe it’s time to update your website. Modify your copy, your images, or your colors. Your website is never finished, so take this time to tweak it.
Remember, Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving. Slow months don’t have to be unproductive; use this quiet period to do other things that will help keep your business successful. Keep learning, creating new offerings, and connecting with other business owners and potential clients.