Pick your strategy

Pick your strategy

Hey! To help you get your questions answered quickly, I created this new mini-post series about Squarespace and Biz tips. Blogs in the mini-series will be shorter and sometimes related to a Freebie to help you get some answers to your questions.

Today, let’s talk about how to promote your business!

Be consistent with success before we talk about strategy and decide which one is right for you.

The most successful way to build trust and connection with an online audience is to keep showing up.

What’s your business goal to get a return on the investment?

This return doesn’t have to be money directly – it may be leads, brand awareness, or fans’ authority – but it has to return in some form. That means it’s worth putting money into doing it right.

Here are three different ways to promote your business:


A blog is typically written words related to a specific subject. Blogging is the lowest-cost startup idea of these three mediums, as you only need a few things.

You want to have your blog website hosted by a trusted company to avoid inconveniences, such as frequent downtimes.

The hosting services many hosting companies provide will cost you less than $20/per month.


Podcasting has blown up in popularity over the past decade and shows no signs of slowing down. Here’s all you need to start a podcast: a computer, a microphone, Podcast editing software, headphones, and a podcast hosting platform.

If you have never created a Podcast before, maybe participate in someone else Podcast… you will learn how to do it before jumping on the adventure alone.


A vlog is a video blog that you download on YouTube.

The chances that your video goes viral and you will become popular are pretty excellent and tempting for a shot.

Launching and creating a YouTube video channel with all the equipment required for the beginner could cost from $300 to $500.

This strategy will help you build your email list, leading to more sales!

Remember, don’t platform-switch.

Don’t blog post one week, then a podcast episode the next, and then throw in a random video the following week.

Stick with what you do best and what best serves your audience.

One platform is best!

In my case, I love to write, and it’s something I can do from everywhere – I only need my laptop, which is fantastic while traveling.

Remember to email your subscribers weekly with a link to your new content.

Consistency is the key to success!

What about your strategy to promote your business?

If you have a blog or a podcast, comment below and let us know where to read or listen to you!


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