Big decision made!

Big decision made! It’s the beginning of a “new adventure.” Or the end of an adventure that started in 2013…

When I decided to create a new course, The Website Factory, I debated whether I would continue offering 1: 1 coaching. Then I realized the decision would be more challenging than I thought.

In 2013 when I launched Cumul, I aimed to create tools to help entrepreneurs create and run successful & profitable businesses. And to help them, I was offering 1:1 coaching sessions.

I love these 1: 1 session! ☺️

Over the past year (thanks to this pandemic), I participated in different coaching sessions. Group coaching is valuable and has much to offer because we can learn from other business owners.

And over the summer, I took the time to evaluate everything, and I decided to stop offering 1: 1 coaching in September in a few days.

I want to reassure you. I’m not going anywhere…

Although the videos are recorded several weeks in advance, I answer once I receive a question! Then, I take the time to record my answer and share it with everyone.

If you have a specific question and are hesitant to ask your questions to the group, you can always send me a DM or a message for the Q&A section.

And if I miss it terribly, I tell myself that I will offer a 1:1 coaching session as a giveaway to those who follow me on Facebook and Instagram.

What about you? Have you ever stopped offering a service or product? How did you feel?


PS: Stay informed; enrollment will be done soon.

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