Books to read in 2021

Books to read in 2021

Are you dreaming about a completely new life in 2021?! I understand! … especially after 2020 and the insecurities we all face due to the pandemic. Ready for books to read in 2021?

I love to read, and I try to read one book every ten days. If you plan to ditch your 9-5, launch your online business in 2021, and create a solid financial future, here are some recommendations.

The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

I have heard of this book for so long, and I confirm you must read it! Hal Elrod believes that everyone is capable of achieving their dreams in every area of life.

The key is to commit yourself to personal development by getting up early and following a simple daily routine. This routine included silence, affirmation, visualization, exercise, reading, and writing, empowering anyone to transform any area of life.

Practice the SAVERS of Miracle Morning, and miracles will start happening in your life.

The 4 Hour Workweek by Tim Ferris

This book changed the way I do things! If you want some strategies and tips on working less, making more, and creating a full life… this book is for you.

This book is not about saving money or finding your dream job but about how to free up the most time and automate your income. If you want to ditch your 9-5,

The 4-Hour Work Week aims to give you more time and more mobility… Tim Ferris introduces new rules and objectives for your new life, such as putting your cash flow on autopilot. If you want to create a business but work less, you must read this book!

Everything Is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo

Do you want a new life? Marie Forleo says, “No matter what you’re facing, you have what it takes to figure anything out and become the person you’re meant to be.”

Anecdotes from Marie’s journey and tips, strategies, celebrity quotes, and summaries from other writers help us believe that everything in our life can be done.

She makes the idea of bettering yourself feel very attainable! and at the end of the book, you’ll start telling everyone you know that “everything is figureoutable!”

Your Best Year Ever by Michael Hyatt

If you need a 5-Step plan for achieving your most important goals in 2021, this book is for you. I heard about Michael Hyatt’s books from Amy Porterfield, and after seeing a conference he gave at The Entrepreneur Experience, I decided to buy this book.

Anyone tired of not seeing progress in their personal or business goals will treasure the field-tested wisdom found in these pages… and you’ll learn what to do when you feel stuck.

Read it; this can be the year you finally close the gap between reality and your dreams.

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

This book’s all about making money. Lots of it. Think ad Grow Rich contends that our thoughts become our reality and offers a plan and principles for transforming thoughts into riches, including visualization, affirmation, creating a Master Mind group, defining a goal, and planning.

Wow, exactly what we need when we want to build a new business, especially in 2020, when this pandemic brought insecurities for so many people.

This book confirms that we can control our thoughts, but sometimes we must read it several times to understand this principle!

You are a badass by Jen Sincero

We often have negative thoughts popping up left and right… if you do, you need to read. You are a badass. With full of hilariously inspiring stories, advice, and easy exercises… you’ll identify and change the self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviors that stop you from getting what you want and creating a life you love.

Get this book and learn how to use The Force to kick some serious ass!

And you, are you reading many books?! Let me know if you have other recommendations… I’d love to read more books in 2021.

So Cheers to 2021, Y’all!

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