Do one thing every day that scares you

Do one thing every day that scares you

Facing your fears isn’t easy!

When doing executive recruitment, I was always scared to call someone I didn’t know to discuss a new job opportunity!

So one day, I sat and called more than 50 people in one day… and guess what?! The day after, I wasn’t scared when I had to call other potential candidates.

Now, what about you?

What are you scared to do to get more clients? Call them? Do a free discovery Zoom call? Or connect with them via Facebook or Instagram?

Here are some tips to help!

Determine the worst-case scenarios

What’s the worst thing that could happen? Someone says no? Honestly, how likely is it that the worst-case scenario will come true?

Envision what will happen if the worst-case scenario happens and how you will react. Now flip it… think with a positive mindset and tell me what the best-case scenario is?

Isn’t that possibility worth the risk or not?

Find a support system to help you

Sometimes, we need to discuss with someone and see new possibilities. Do you need a little extra push from someone close to you? Who can help you? A friend, your family, other entrepreneurs, or a client? Friends and family will be able to support you in a different way than those who are walking this entrepreneurial path.

Surround yourself with people who can relate to what you’re going through, give you advice when necessary, and be there for you when the going gets tough, and fear starts creeping in.

Remember your WHY

You remember when you launched your business; you had a WHY – why you decided to jump into this journey! Focus on your WHY to drive you when you need an extra boost to overcome your fear.

Take action today

Stop procrastinating! Take baby steps if you need to, but do it… DO ONE THING EVERY DAY THAT SCARES YOU! and when you face a challenge, doing something scary will be much easy.

Embrace your fear

Your fear is not going to go away, not 100%. Use your fear to better yourself, learn and grow, and remember that fear can be reasonable.

Be positive, even when it’s tough, and believe in yourself! Is it scary? Go after what scares you, and remember, DO ONE THING EVERY DAY THAT SCARES YOU!!

I’d love to know… how do you face your fears?


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