Website 101

Website 101

Episode 10 – WEBSITE 101. If you need a website, this episode is for you. Sabrina is ready to launch her online business as a copywriter. She is now ready to start building her website and has questions.

I created my business plan, and I’m now ready to start building my website. I will be offering my services as a copywriter for small businesses. What should I include on my website? I want to create something in a few days to start promoting and selling as soon as possible. Any advice?

Here is what you can do.

Design your navigation menu

Don’t have more than six items on your main navigation menu. With fewer menu items, your visitors’ eyes are less likely to miss essential items. Your goal is to create an emotional connection.

Communicate what you do, why it matters, and how it helps your ICA (Ideal Customers or Community Avatar). 

Back to your navigation menu, I suggest you create a HOME PAGE, an ABOUT PAGE, a SERVICES PAGE, and a CONTACT PAGE. If you decide to write a blog or do a Podcast, add that to your navigation menu.

Create an outstanding copy

Write copy that converts. Use your client’s words. Use their words when writing about your services, offers, and value! If you don’t have many clients, look at how your dream clients describe their needs and problems.

Your content must reflect what you offer and how that can change their business. A great way to find out what they think is to look at Facebook Groups (and other communities) where they hang out and see what they’re saying. Remember, your clients don’t buy your offer; they buy your transformation.

Add pictures to your website

It would be best to connect your website photography to your written content. Images matter; they can trigger emotions, create trust and even modify our behavior.

Another tip: Ensure your site is easy to navigate, and don’t forget to add a CTA on every page. A CTA is a crucial element on a webpage, acting as a signpost that lets the user know what to do next. Your CTA can be LEARN MORE, LET’S CONNECT, BUY NOW…

Remember, a successful website attracts the right visitors, Guides them to the main services or products you offer, AND Collect Contact details TO GROWN YOUR EMAIL LIST.


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