How much should I ask for?

Episode 27 - HOW MUCH SHOULD I ASK FOR? Knowing how much to charge for your products or services is important.

Episode 27 – HOW MUCH SHOULD I ASK FOR? Knowing how much to charge for your products or services is essential.

Courtney is launching her new online business and needs help establishing a pricing strategy.

I’m starting my online business, and I must figure out, how much I will ask for my services. I have more than 10 years of experience in design, but it will be the first time I offer my services as a business owner. My question is, how much should I charge for my services? Please help!

Here is what you can do to establish your pricing strategy.

I know it cannot be easy to put a price on your services. So, to help you, here is my answer to your question.

You will charge whatever you believe your value is.

Setting your pricing can be difficult when you do it for the first time. But you didn’t start your online business to work for free, right?

You’re a designer, awesome. Many other designers are doing what you are doing. You could have the same skills, abilities, turnaround time, customer service, etc., and charge two wildly different amounts.


Because pricing is a 100% mindset game!

Another tip: You could offer clients the option of choosing between different service levels. That would allow you to test different price points and see how your customers respond.

Remember, Know your worth, then add tax. You’ll be afraid when you will decide on your pricing. You’ll be afraid when it is time to decide to raise your prices.

No one will permit you to charge more. Be ready to make your own decisions!

Becoming your boss is an emotional rollercoaster, so be ready! Having the right mindset will make all the difference between failure and success.


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