How to get out of your comfort zone

Get out of your comfort zone fear episode 35

Episode 35 – HOW TO GET OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE. Learning how to start getting out of your comfort zone is essential. Manuela is launching her online business, and she wants to know how to get out of her comfort zone.

I just decided to launch my online business. I want to manage social media for online course creators. I read many blogs, and listen to podcasts about getting out of our comfort zone, and I’d love to know where to start. Thanks.

Here is what you can do to get out of your comfort zone.

Do something new

Can you take on new responsibilities today? Can you become a mentor, delegate for the first time, or make changes to your daily routine?

When Eleanor Roosevelt said, “Do something that scares you every day,” she was talking about stepping outside your comfort zone. Take action now and list all the actions you can do this week to get out of your comfort zone.

Address your fears

What are some of your fears? Be specific, like maybe you fear speaking up in business meetings, giving speeches, or reaching out to new clients.

Naturally, we fear the unknown. It’s through making mistakes, meeting new people, going to new places, and seeing new things that we grow.

By doing something that scares you, you will gain a completely new perspective on yourself!

Learn new technology

What new technology would be helpful to you? Maybe you wish to learn how to design a website using Custom CSS, or maybe you would like to learn how to manage your budget and business better using a new app like (QuickBooks, Xero, SAGE). With online courses, it is easy to upskill yourself.

Another tip: Now that you’ve selected what you need to do to get out of your comfort zone, here are a few steps to help you get started:

  1. Inform yourself
  2. Create an action plan with a time frame and milestones
  3. Find accountability partners to get the support you need to stick to your plan.
  4. Act now and get started, and don’t forget to stay positive!

Remember, a comfort zone may be a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there!


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