Should I hire a business coach?

Business coach Episode 40

Episode 40SHOULD I HIRE A BUSINESS COACH? Having a business coach is essential to get feedback… because, with feedback, we can improve.

Jasmine believes she is going nowhere and wants to know if a business coach can help her.

I feel I’m going nowhere. I have a successful online business, but I don’t generate more profit year after year. I was thinking that I should join a mastermind or hire a business coach, but it’s expensive. What should I do? Please help. Thanks!

I believe that everyone needs a business coach

Group coaching combines the benefits of individual coaching with the interactions within the group setting where participants offer each other feedback.

Gain clarity and develop a plan

A coach can help you get clear about your business goals both with a short-term and long-term perceptive. Your business coach will help you break down your goal into actionable steps to help you stay on track and move forward and can help you create a timeline with particular milestones.

Stay accountable

A coach will help you stick to your new routines and hold you accountable. Your business coach will follow up with you regularly and stay on top of your progress, remind you to celebrate your successes (and each milestone of your journey), help you analyze your setbacks, and, most importantly, provide support and strategies to improve your performance.

Give you the tools and support you need

A coach can deliver the specific tools and resources you’ll need to be successful because your coach has already tested them and knows what works best.

Another tip: Before deciding, reach out to entrepreneurs in your network to ask for a referral from someone who has or knows a great coach. Be prepared for the long haul. Changes don’t happen overnight. Also, don’t restrict your search to your local area. 

Remember, there is no more profitable investment than investing in yourself, but there are no guarantees. Even the most talented coach cannot be responsible for your success; you must be open to possibilities and ready to embrace the process.


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