Expectation & reality

Expectation & reality

When I started my business in 2013, I envisioned a nice, clean office with days filled with client meetings and perfect hair… Hum… expectation & reality are two different things!

But instead, working in yoga pants and a messy bun was the norm, and my super desk, which is actually my kitchen table, was my daily life.

Years ago, I thought being an entrepreneur meant working in sexy places around the world, along with a Moka from Starbucks.

But today, I’m working with a cup of coffee and a cold breakfast beside me.

I thought that if I created a website and spoke to my network, I would have several clients without having to solicit them…

Reality? Just because I built this didn’t mean they would come.

In order to have new clients, I had to build an email list, be present every day on social media, network with other entrepreneurs…

So if you’re like me, you’re stuck launching your business, even if your day-to-day isn’t like your dreams, don’t panic.

But to encourage you, here is what my days looked like when I started …

>> Respond to my clients via emails and phone calls

>> Prepare reports for my clients

>> Reply to more emails and phone calls

>> Plan future projects with my clients

>> Reply to more emails and phone calls

>> Do group coaching and 1:1 coaching

And did I mention responding to emails and phone calls?!

But I have to tell you that I do what I love the most in the world… I work with amazing clients!

Are you?

Are you ready to give up your vacation, working late evenings and weekends? If so, you are ready to be an entrepreneur!

If you want more of a behind-the-scenes look at my business, let’s connect on Instagram, and don’t forget to share your dreams!

I’d love to know… what about expectations & reality for you as a business owner?


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