How to get out of your comfort zone

How To Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

You don’t need a passport to explore outside your comfort zone! Make something every day that scares you… ready to give it a try?

A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there! The comfort zone is the absence of growth and striving for growth. It is doing the same things, the same way, repeatedly, getting similar results in vital areas of life. It is a firm belief that there are no better options available.

The comfort zone is something that everyone thinks they know and understand. If you can’t jump outside your comfort zone, you can not truly succeed in your personal life and your business.

Getting out of your comfort zone can be good for increasing your productivity, improving your ability to adapt to change, and promoting growth.

Here are some ways to start today:

Do something new: Can you take on new responsibilities today?

– Become a mentor.

– Delegate for the first time.

– Read a new book every month.

– Get involved as a volunteer; it will allow you to develop new skills.

– Make changes to your daily routine.

Address your fears: What fear must you overcome today?

– Speaking up in business meetings.

– Giving speeches.

– Contact a new potential client.

– Post a photo of yourself on Instagram.

– Present your first Masterclass or Webinar.

Learn new technology: What new technology can you learn today?

– Design a website using Custom CSS.

– Use new marketing software to grow your email list.

– Use an app (Quickbooks, Xero, SAGE) for business accounting to better manage your budget?

– Begin learning a new skill.

Now that you have selected what you will do to get out of your comfort zone, here are a few steps to help you get started:

1. Discover more about the challenge you will do and get more information as you prepare to handle the new task.

2. Create an action plan with a time frame and milestones.

3. Find accountability partners to get the support you need to stick to your plan.

4. Take action now and get started.

5. Stay positive!

Taking risks helps me respond better to stress; I always evaluate the possible outcomes and determine how I react depending on the outcomes.

The main goal is to get comfortable with discomfort.

Are you ready to get out of your comfort zone today?


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