Q2 – Review

Q2 - Review

July and Q3 are around the corner. It’s time to review Q2 goals before thinking about the next quarter.

Remember, as mentioned in March, you want the goals you set to be aligned with the five SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound). When a quarter (or a month or a year) ends, don’t forget to review your progress before setting your next goals.

Here are my five different business goals for Q2:

Create a VIP offer for The Business Factory online program

The Business Factory will reopen for enrollment in September 2021, and I have created a VIP offer. This VIP offer will be available for only ten people and will include individual coaching sessions.

Get new clients for my Mastermind

The Mastermind Program will reopen enrollment in October 2021and I will have two groups: one for women looking to launch their online business and the second one for businesswomen owners that have already launched an online business.

Grow my affiliate income streams

I have new affiliates, and the sales via this program are good, but I need to find a way to get in contact with them more often, not just when I’m launching something new.

Launch Clubhouse discussions

I started Clubhouse discussions with Psychologist Dr. Jodi Peary, and each week, we talk about relationships, transitions, business, and personal mindsets that can transform your life! But we still need to test the time we do these discussions; maybe early or another day would reach a broader audience.

Launch three digital products (workbooks)

I launched three new workbooks during Q2. Amber and her team at Adly are amazing, and they manage all the promotions related to these workbooks. I also launched a mini-course, which was not planned – but I got many questions, so I decided to create this mini-course to help you get started.👇


Lesson 1. Facebook ads are the way we’ll scale. We are lucky to work with Amber!

Lesson 2. Time off from your business is essential. Thanks to COVID, I could not take vacation weeks for the last 15 months, but I go for a walk every day.

Lesson 3. Too many platforms are too much for my team and our list. I’ll cut back to Instagram and Facebook only and jump on Clubhouse when someone asks me to join a discussion, but not every week.

Lesson 4. Your audience has the answer for what you should create next. My ICA is asking for a website design course; I will create a new course for September 2021.

Goal 1. Launch The Website Factory in September 2021.

Goal 2: Reopen The Business Factory with a VIP package in September 2021.

Goal 3: Prepare more content for the Mastermind that will reopen in October 2021.

Remember to make sure your goals are still relevant and achievable. I hope you enjoyed my Q2 business update.

What about you? Comment below; I’d love to know if you could achieve your business goals for Q2!


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