Q3 – Review

October and Q4 are around the corner. It’s time to review Q3 goals before thinking about the next quarter. As mentioned in March and June, remember that you want your goals to be aligned with the five SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Bound). When a quarter (or a month or a year) ends, don’t forget to review your progress before setting your following goals.


Lesson 1. Make relationships your number one priority. Over the last quarter, I developed relationships with other outstanding entrepreneurs. It’s different since COVID changed our lives in 2020; I love these virtual cocktails to meet other business owners. We discuss our challenges, goals, and future projects and share tips and advice. I love these virtual meetings; I learn so much from them.

Lesson 2. Embrace innovation. Being flexible and learning different ways to do things is essential, especially during a pandemic. I had to adapt quickly and use different tools to serve my clients better. I learned new technologies, but I realized that these new apps are essential and worth learning how to use them.

Lesson 3. Less is more. The phrase less is more means that having just the essential things is better than having too many extra things. It allows you to focus on what matters.

In 2013 when I launched my business, my goal was to create tools to help entrepreneurs create and run successful & profitable businesses. And to help them, I was offering 1:1 coaching sessions. In August, I decided to stop offering 1:1 coaching sessions.

Over the past year (thanks to this pandemic), I participated in different coaching sessions. Group coaching is valuable and has much to offer because we can learn from other business owners.

With the two courses and the community around them, I concentrated my time on group coaching. I also love to connect to other business owners on social media!

Here are my goals for Q4:

Goal 1. Launch The Website Factory and reopen The Business Factory with a VIP package.

Goal 2: Prepare for 2022; I want to offer a Mastermind for aspiring entrepreneurs (hopefully in Europe).

Goal 3: Booking some time off at the end of December for doing N-O-T-H-I-N-G!

Remember to make sure your goals are still relevant and achievable. I hope you enjoyed my Q3 business update.

What about you? Comment below; I’d love to know if you could achieve your business goals for Q3!


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