A Behind-The-Scenes look at product creation

A Behind-The-Scenes look at product creation

Are you seeking advice related to a specific issue you’re facing?

I can understand because when I started, I had so many questions… 🤪

I was also looking for answers, and I was reading many blogs and listening to a lot of podcasts.

To help you with your questions, I will create a weekly short video to give you all the A’s to your Q’s!

In these episodes, you’ll hear:

  • Tips related to marketing, strategy, website, management, finance, and mindset
  • Behind-The-Scenes stories and our journey since 2013
  • The journey of other entrepreneurs and tips they are sharing to help you succeed

But first… let me introduce you to Amber and ADLY. Amber designed all the ads related to our Workbooks…. and from these workbooks, I received many questions that I will use for these new weekly Q&A Videos.

These videos are designed to be short – 3 to 5 minutes, focusing each week on one specific question.

As you can probably guess, here at Cumul, our mission is to help women create, build, launch, and manage their unique online businesses… and that’s why we do what we do.

These weekly Q&A Videos may not have been the most straightforward project, but it is WORTH IT!

It will get answers to questions all side hustlers have.

If you have any questions, comment below or DM me; I love to answer all of them!

I know you’re going to learn tips from this first episode, so hit play >>HERE!<<

Oh, and don’t forget to comment below… everyone will learn so much from your experience!


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Your anonymity will be protected. You’ll have private access to get your questions answered, so you feel safe and secure knowing your business’s future is in the best hands!  

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