Be ready for Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is a time for family and friends to gather and give thanks, but this time is also significant for businesses. There’s Thanksgiving and Black Friday, and everyone is waiting to see your offer. At this time of year, competition is fiercest, and it can be challenging for small businesses to get noticed.

Here are some Thanksgiving marketing ideas:

Offer a loyalty discount.

You can help to create an even stronger bond with your customers by rewarding loyalty with discounts. Can you give an extra 20 % to customers that purchased in 2021? Send them a promotional code and let them know it’s your way to thank them for their loyalty.

Give back to causes close to customers

How can you give back to causes? Are you not making enough profit to donate? Businesses should do more than make money; they should give back to their community. You can volunteer your time, share your skills and experience with local businesses, or partner with a nonprofit as a part of a referral program.

Offer a free service during a challenging time

During challenging times (AKA COVID-19), your brand is responsible for giving back to and supporting your local communities. During the pandemic, restaurants offered frontline workers free meals and delivery services. If you are a services business, you can offer a FREE consultation to local businesses to help them with their strategy.

Host a Thanksgiving contest

Everyone loves a good contest, and Thanksgiving is the perfect time to host one. Ask your followers to tag three friends that can benefit from your product or service and ask them to tell you why they can benefit from your offering.

Host a live webinar

A FREE live webinar is a fantastic strategy to get engagement from your audience. Regardless of the brand’s niche, there’s always something to do on holiday!

Collaborate with other brands

You can collaborate with other businesses for a cross-promotion at Thanksgiving in countless ways. Mentioning each other on social media or combining your email subscriber lists to send out a joint promotional mailing are ideas that will cost you nothing but allow you to promote your business.

Create conversation starters for new followers

You can start the conversation on social media by saying, “What are you doing during Thanksgiving?” or “What are the three things you are thankful for?” Then, you can say, “I am thankful for my family, friends, and business.” Sure enough, you will get many different answers.

Offer gifts to your best customers

Can you offer a gift to your best customers, like a professional notebook, a Starbucks mug, or a water bottle they won’t throw away? Pick a gift they will use every day!

Launch an early Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale event

People intend to purchase around the Black Friday weekend, which can translate into incremental sales. Customers head to websites looking for promotions, so take that as an opportunity. Be the first to launch an early Black Friday and Cyber Monday sale event!

Take the time to reach out to your customers to let them know you are thankful to have clients like them. Copywriting is sooooo essential, so don’t forget to use Thanksgiving-themed email subject lines when you reach out to your audience to promote your business for Thanksgiving and Black Friday.

What about you? Comment below; I’d love to know if you will be offering a promotion for Thanksgiving.


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