Can we celebrate together?

Can we celebrate together? Yesterday was my 8th business anniversary! Today, I decided to share this journey with you because maybe you struggle to create a successful online business. Or maybe you’re burned out and can’t face the idea of serving one more client this week? I feel you!

When I first started, I was worried about where the next client would come from, and I wasn’t sure how I could get beyond a specific income potential.

But then I figured out how to get referrals and stop worrying about finding more clients…

First, I stopped serving everyone and selected my ideal clients (I picked a specific niche).

Then, I started creating my own offering; I developed multiple streams of active and passive revenue.

I also realized that what makes me happy is not to build a giant agency and manage many people.

Finally, I doubled my rates and often said NO to projects that were not a good fit for me.

And guess what? Now I’m not taking on everything just because I’m worried about finding my next client.

I’m never worried about finding more clients because word of mouth and network referrals are strong enough to decide which client I want to work with.

Build the business you want; Your dreams and your actions define you.

Don’t let others define you with what they tell you to do.

I hope this piece of my business journey pushes you forward in business today. 💕

PS: Always remember what Steve Jobs once said… “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most importantly, dare to follow your heart and intuition.”

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