Does your schedule include downtime?

Does your schedule include downtime?

Does your schedule include time for rest, just for you; to read, take a walk, do yoga, go for a massage, have lunch with a friend…

Or to do N-O-T-H-I-N-G?

Fall has barely started, and my schedule is already full! So I put an hour a day with the inscription NOTHING TO DO.

I know what you’re thinking… It’s impossible to take an hour a day to do nothing; I have to invoice my clients for more income!

Downtime is defined as a time when a person can relax. But having time to do nothing is so important! So when was the last time you had time for yourself?

I read an article the other day about the benefits of taking time for myself. Here are five benefits of solitude that may encourage you to cancel plans or put down the tech — all in the name of a better, healthier you.

  • Improve mental health.
  • Spark creativity.
  • Boost self-esteem.
  • Create empathy for others.
  • Heighten emotional intelligence.

I guess that confirms that we all need time alone!

Here’s the biz math you need to do if you want to take some time off every day:

Step #1: What are your revenue goals

Set the minimum monthly revenue you can count on from your biz. Look over the past 3 to 6 months for this exercise and find your average income. How many clients do you need every month? How many hours do you need to work every week?

Step #2: What are your monthly expenses?

Determine your average monthly expenses in your business. Again, to do this exercise, look over the past 3 to 6 months and find your average costs. Don’t forget to include your own salary in your budget!

Step #3: Do some math

Subtract Step 1 from Step 2. Now, look at your budget. How many hours do you need to work weekly to generate a profit for your business? Then, take one hour of billing per day out of your budget... are you still making a profit?

Step #4: Set an emergency fund

You must also set an emergency fund in your budget if something happens. How much do you need to live on if you were to take a month off? Do you generate enough profit compared to what you need to cover (business + personal expenses)?

Step #5: Set your free time in your schedule

Now that you know that taking an hour off per day and/or a month of vacation (or two weeks) per year can’t affect your budget, it’s time to add your free time and your vacation into your schedule.

Step #6: Reevaluate

After a few weeks, reevaluate your budget and your schedule. Maybe you will take one day off a week instead of one hour every day. Adjust that downtime to you and your business to suit your needs!

In general, this math should help you figure out that you can take some much-needed downtime to enjoy this life you’re building!

Now, remember to ensure those hours/days off are entirely stress-free! If you take one hour per day to go to your yoga class but consistently think about your clients, that won’t help you have some time for yourself.

These steps could change everything. Isn’t that worth a look?

What about you? Do you have some free time for yourself on your schedule? Comment below; I’d love to know!


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