Get new customers

Episode 14 – GET NEW CUSTOMERS. Knowing how to find clients is an essential skill for a business owner.

Sara launched her new business in June and wants to reach out to new clients.

I design Squarespace website for small businesses. I have set up my online business in June, and my first clients were friends and family members, but now, it’s time to reach out to those that don’t know me! Any advice?

Here is what you can do.

In a perfect world, your dream clients will find YOU. Since the reality is quite different, here is my answer to your question.

Reach Out To Your Network

Start where you are and reach out to the people you know (past clients, former coworkers, neighbors…) and let them know that you’ve recently launched your business. Ask them to keep you in mind or send people your way.

Ask For Referrals and offer discounts to new customers

If your current clients are talking about you, it’s the best promotion for your business. They know exactly what it’s like to work with you! Just ask them.

If you want a referral, let your current clients know that you’re taking on new clients and ask them to keep you in mind if they know anyone who needs your service. They may refer you to someone right away! You can also offer 10 % discounts to new customers.

Other tips:  Be A Helpful Resource on social media. Join Facebook Groups, and post content on Instagram or LinkedIn. Facebook Groups are a good resource for finding new clients. These groups allow you to connect with others with similar interests, share resources, ask for advice, and help find new clients.

These groups are like communities. Engage in conversations and share your tips; in other words, build trust and credibility in the group. That way, when an opportunity comes up, you will be able to seize it.

Another tip: You can also create a partnership with a complementary business, like a copywriter or a designer…


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