Communication Plan 101

Episode 29 Knowing how to create a communication plan to launch your new business, a new product, or service is essential.

Episode 29 – COMMUNICATION PLAN 101. Knowing how to create a communication plan to launch your new business, a new product, or a service is essential.

Carla wants to promote her offering, but she needs help to create a Communication Plan at a lower cost.

I am ready to launch my online business… but I need help. I want to promote my offering, but I don’t want to spend money on Facebook Ads. How can I create a Communication Plan at a lower cost? What should I include in my communication plan? Any advice?

Here is what you can do.

What are your goals?

 What do you want as a result of your communication plan? Get more followers, more sales, and build trust? Pick one goal for your first communication plan, and then you will be able to establish Who are you trying to reach (AKA your audience)? Be specific because you can’t reach everyone!

Key messages

What are the key messages that your audience needs to know to achieve your goals (get more followers, more sales, build trust)? You don’t want to have more than three key messages. Your key messages should be simple and address the question, “What’s in it for me?

Communication strategy

How are you going to get your message out there? Via social media, Newsletters, or speeches? Pick the communication strategy that suits both your goals and your industry. 

Another tip: You need to set the results you are expected. How do you know that you have reached your goals? Setting in advance your goal and the results you are expecting will help you evaluate your campaign. Again, be specific. You want to get more sales, awesome, but how many sales?

Remember, all the communication activities you do must work together to help you achieve your business goals. You need a communication plan even if you have a good email list or many followers on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn.


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