Evergreen or not for my courses?

Evergreen or not for my courses? Episode 38

Episode 38EVERGREEN OR NOT FOR MY COURSE? Having an evergreen course launch allows you to get off the launch rollercoaster and begin making more consistent sales every day.

Billy wants to put her course on evergreen, and she wants to know if it’s the right time to do it.

I developed an online course one year ago, and I’m wondering if I should put my course on evergreen or not. Idon’t like feeling stuck on the launch rollercoaster and doing a masterclass every day during my launch period. Also, potential clients are asking when my next launch will be, and I feel that I’m losing sales. I only launched twice, and I know we should launch multiple times before going on evergreen… any advice? Thanks.

Here are some essential elements you want to consider:

Do you have an audience (AKA an email list)? 

It looks like you have an audience, as potential clients are reaching out to know when you’ll open enrollment again. What you need to focus on is growing your email list.

One thing that goes hand in hand with a successful online course is a large email list. If you need help creating your email list from zero, here are some TIPS.

To grow your list, here are some ideas. First, you can create a new FREEBIE (lead magnet): I created a QUIZ with TryInteract.com, which helped me grow my email list faster.

In addition, grow a social audience on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Pinterest but don’t forget that your goal is to have your followers on your email list, so don’t forget to add a link to your website every time you post.

Finally, start a blog, a podcast, or YouTube Channel and create content marketing often. Don’t forget to be consistent and not switch platforms!

Do you have an Evergreen sales funnel to promote your course? 

There are significant differences between a live launch funnel and selling through an evergreen sales funnel. Evergreen sales funnels are strategic; they work every day and are automated.

The goal of your Evergreen sale funnel is to bring sales day and night, give your audience the freedom to buy WHEN they feel ready, and leverage automation, so daily maintenance is not required….

In contrast, a live launch brings in sales during a set period and creates inconsistent cash injections.

Another tip: Create an onboarding experience. Because your program is now available 24/7, you must create an onboarding experience that can handle rolling enrollment because you can’t be present 24/7.

Ever had to scramble to get the login info for a new client while you’re on vacation? I can tell you; it’s not fun.

Automating your onboarding experience is a must, but don’t forget to create onboarding sessions once a month to welcome your new students, explain how your program works, and answer their questions.

Remember, evergreen doesn’t mean everlasting. You will need to update your content frequently and be there to answer questions from your students. I created a monthly Q&A Zoom call for my students to answer their questions, and I also gave them access to the replay on my Q&A Vault module.

Maybe you are not ready today for an evergreen course, but it can be a long-term plan to allow you to get off the launch rollercoaster and begin making more consistent sales every day.


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