My biggest mistake!

My biggest mistake!

When I launched my business in 2013, I managed my clients by responding to them via text message, Facebook, or Linkedin. It was so easy since I worked from hotels, airplanes, coffee shops, and the university between my courses. Ready to learn more about my biggest mistake?

Then, someone on my team asked about a follow-up with a client, and I realized she couldn’t access the previous conversations since they were on my phone. One night, after one of my courses in Boston, I talked with someone about how my clients always wait for an immediate answer as soon as they send a text or Facebook message. She told me, “Solange, you don’t own Facebook and Linkedin… if tomorrow you can’t have access to both platforms, all your previous conversations and your contacts will be lost.

Shit! I should know that!! ‍:-(

I realized my mistake, and I had to start from scratch and create my contact list.

They say we learn from our mistakes; well, it took me more than six months to rebuild my email list! ‍♀️

Did you make mistakes when you started your business? Comment and share, so I won’t feel I’m the only one.


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