Should I put my course on evergreen?

Should I put my course on evergreen?

If you already have an online course, one of your questions is whether you should put your program on evergreen. Having an evergreen course launch means you’ll launch your course once, and it’ll be available from then on.

Do you feel like you are stuck on the “launch rollercoaster?

You create a product, launch it, make a profit, and then… You either have to wait for your list to get significantly bigger or for enough time to pass that you can launch a new course.

Going evergreen allows you to get off of the launch rollercoaster and begin to make more consistent sales every day. Sounds good, right?

But before you put your program on evergreen, here are some essential elements you want to consider:

Do you have an audience (AKA an email list)?

Having an email list will make your launch much easy. Here are some ideas for you to build an audience:

  • Create a new FREEBIE (lead magnet): I created a QUIZ with, which helped me grow your email list faster.
  • Grow a Social Audience on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and/or Pinterest but don’t forget that your goal is to have them on your email list, so don’t forget to add a link to your website whenever you post.
  • Start a blog, a podcast, or YouTube Channel and create content marketing often. Don’t forget to don’t platform switch and to be consistent!
  • Connect to influencers from your target market.

Do you have an Evergreen sales funnel to promote your course? 

When it’s time to promote your course(s), you need a sales funnel… but there are some significant differences between a live launch funnel and selling it through an evergreen sales funnel. The goal of your Evergreen sale funnel is to bring sales day and night, give your audience the freedom to buy WHEN they feel ready, and leverage automation, so daily maintenance is not required… whereas live lunch brings in sales during a set period and creates inconsistent cash injections.

  • Evergreen sales funnels are strategic.
  • Evergreen funnels work every single day.
  • Evergreen funnels are automated.

Do you have onboarding experience?

Because your program is now available 24/7 for your audience to buy, you must create an onboarding experience that can handle rolling enrollment by automating your onboarding experience.

Ever had to scramble to get the login info for a new client while in the middle of your vacation? I can tell you; it’s not fun. Automating your onboarding experience is necessary because you can’t be present 24/7.

However, don’t forget to create onboarding sessions once a month to welcome your new students, take the time to explain how your program works, and answer their questions.

Are you ready for evergreen? In a few weeks, both of my courses will be on evergreen…

I will do Masterclasses often, but my programs will be available 24/7.

What about you?

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