Things to do when you’re in a slow period

Things to do when you're in a slow period

Hey! To help you get your questions answered quickly, I created this new mini-post series all about Squarespace and Biz tips. Blogs in the mini-series will be shorter and sometimes related to a Freebie to help you get some answers to your questions.

The third wave of COVID-19 infections will be worse than the first two, expert says… and many entrepreneurs ask themselves what to do when facing a period of insecurity. We all agree that the pandemic was not our decision, but you have more time and freedom to evaluate your business. You may start to see some other things that need revisiting! Take this period to:

Create more content

If you have more time, take it to write more Blogs or do more Podcast episodes or videos to provide advice or promote your products and services.

Develop a new offering or add a passive income product

In 2020, I created The Business Factory online program to help women build, launch and manage their online businesses.

Get in touch with past clients

Take the time to chat with your past clients and ask them if they need help or advice during this uncertain period.

Invest in your development

I have never read so many books and taken online courses as in 2020. Learn new skills to be able to develop a new offering for your clients. Take online courses, read books, and listen to Podcasts.

Update your website

Maybe it’s time to update your website. Modify your copy, your images, or your colors.

What about you? Comment below; I’d love to know how you deal with uncertain periods.

And remember, if you need help, don’t forget to ask for help. I am here to help you as much as I can.

Send me a DM, and I’ll do my best to send tips, resources, and information to help you with your business. Sometimes bouncing ideas with someone else can help…

I ask for HELP often, and I get it… so don’t be afraid or ashamed to ask!


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