Your to-do list before 2021 ends

To Do List Before 2022

2022 is almost here!

Impossible right? But it’s true… 2022 will be here soon, and before the year ends, it’s time to evaluate our last year as a business owner and plan for a new one.

I can’t wait to get a little break from my day-to-day routine, but I have so many things I feel like I should be doing for my business before 2021 ends.

You’re probably asking yourself what your priorities should be.

Here’s our year-end checklist for entrepreneurs.


Do you remember you set goals when 2021 started? Now it’s time to look and them and see if you succeed or not. It’s a great time to look at what’s working for you and what isn’t in your business. And if something didn’t work as planned, let’s figure out why and see how we can achieve this specific goal next year!

A few key questions to ask:

  • Do you still feel passionate about your business? Do you feel the same sense of inspiration and possibility as when you started, or have you lost some enthusiasm?
  • What is working or not working in your business? Do you feel you should create a new offering or eliminate some? Or maybe, you want to switch your offerings to digital products and create passive income in 2022.
  • How did your business change this year? Lots of businesses have had to make dramatic shifts since the pandemic arrived in our lives almost two years ago. Did you have to make more changes to your business in 2021?
  • How are you? 2021 led many of us to rethink what we want to accomplish. Success is not related to numbers (salary, clients) but to free time, mental health, and freedom. Did your values evolve any this year? Does your business support the life you want to live?


Now that you have evaluated your business and yourself, you have a lot of valuable information to help you set the path for your business in 2022.

A few key questions to ask:

  • Do you want to work with a coach or take a course in 2022? List what you want to improve in your business and then establish how you will do it if you want to get into group coaching or take an online course to get different expertise; awesome! But let’s plan which courses or coaching programs you need, the price of those, and how to register!
  • Can you work differently? Make a list of all tasks you can delegate or outsource to a VA (virtual assistant) so that you can focus on the work you love doing in 2022. You may want to use this free time to create a new product or service or just for yourself (AKA doing N-O-T-H-I-N-G!).
  • How can you create more revenue? It’s time to think outside of the box! Think long-term. Can you create digital products to create passive income? Maybe you want to transform your 1:1 coaching into group coaching or into an online program.


Now that you have a plan for 2022, it’s time to recharge… You need to take a break. You can sleep, exercise, meditate, read a book, watch a movie, or take the time to go for a drink with a friend… or some combination of all of those things! The important thing is to take some time for yourself, whatever that looks like for you.

Starting this week, set aside one hour each week and devote that time to preparing for 2022. Create a vision board and set SMART goals and milestones for your business and yourself.

And don’t forget if you need tips and advice with your business strategy… I’ve got you covered. Make sure to read the Blog, and let’s connect on Instagram or Facebook to get all the answers to your questions.

What about you? Do you take the time to evaluate your business before the new year arrives?


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