Ways to boost productivity

Ways to boost productivity

I don’t know about you, but some days I feel overwhelmed… I worked all day, but I didn’t see concrete results. When that happens, I stop and take the time to analyze my day to understand what went wrong quickly, and I quickly find out what happened. ‍

Here are five ways to boost your productivity:

Stop multitasking

Focus is essential. Looking at your Instagram account and drinking your coffee while emailing a client at the same time can seem like the only possible way to get all your tasks done, but it’s not!

When you multitask, you don’t give 100% of your attention to important tasks, which may cause more work for you down the road. So, stop multitasking! This one is a challenge for me…


You don’t need to jump right in when you get to the office; make a prioritized list of your tasks and complete them one at a time based on their importance.

Take a break

This one is my favorite because I never have time to take a break. I learned that it’s unhealthy and even counterproductive to spend hours working without a break.

I take 5-minute breaks every few hours to get up and walk around.

Avoid distractions

Avoid constantly checking social media sites unless it is part of your job.

Leaving my Facebook and Instagram up on my browser the entire day only leads to more distractions. I schedule a specific time to respond to my Facebook and Instagram messages but don’t look at them every minute.

Control your email

You don’t have to respond to every email you receive immediately.

Set aside times throughout the day to check your emails and spend the time you need to respond.

I usually do that in the morning before I start my day, before launch time, and at the end of the day.

And you, are you productive?! Let me know what you do; I’d love to read more about your strategy.


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