Website mistakes you need to fix

If you are reading this post, you have a website! Most of you have created a website to reach potential customers and promote your products or services. In addition, if your site doesn’t function as it should, it turns customers and clients away.

Website mistakes can leave your business in the dust. However, the good news is that by the time you have finished eating these macarons, you will have finished fixing these mistakes on your website!

Here are some website mistakes you need to fix today!

Not responsive on mobile

First, the number one reason your website might fail to work on a mobile device is that it is simply not mobile-responsive. Mobile optimization is essential, and remember that your website must proportionally resize to different size screens.

The good news is that all Squarespace sites adjust on smaller browsers and fit the format of a device!

Unclear Navigation

Then, an organized navigation system acts as a road map to direct your website’s visitors to various pages and information. You want them to find what they are looking for quickly.

No Call-to-actions

The call-to-action is a crucial element on a webpage, acting as a signpost that lets users know what to do next. Get creative with CTAs and personalize them. I love to add a color or a different font to create something unique.

Slow Loading Speeds

You aim to get your message across quickly with a super speedy site! Slow loading is terrible for SEO. If it takes too long, your visitors will leave your site and probably won’t return.

Broken Links

Links that don’t lead anywhere can be super frustrating. I automatically leave the site when I click on a link that is not working. I recommend you use a free Dead Link Checker tool to scan your website and notify any broken links in less than 5 minutes.

Website Design

Establish and maintain your brand across everything you do: your website, landing pages, blog, lead magnet, etc. Remember that consistency helps build trust and credibility.

Missed SEO Opportunities

Finally, SEO is essential to finding your website by new audiences via search engines. Including keywords (text) that match the search terms on your site is critical!

You’re not alone if you must fix something because your website suffers from more than one of these mistakes. And I’m curious, what did you have to fix?


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