Fail before you can succeed!

Fail before you can succeed!

Failure makes you better; failure makes you stronger…

I know; it’s much easier said than done!

When we face failure, we are disappointed. But why is it important to fail to be successful?

We learn to find new opportunities

If something works, we never think about a different way to do it. So when we fail, we push ourselves to rethink and create something different. Failure is a redirection; it shows you where you shouldn’t be. When you face challenges, don’t quit; change!

We learn to build solid relationships and networks

When we face obstacles and challenges, the best thing to do is to reach out for help.

Talk with other entrepreneurs; you will learn from their experiences and how they react to failures. You need to have a strong network in place. You want to celebrate with them when you succeed, and you want them to help you brainstorm when you need it.

We redefine our priorities and our goals

Failing can force us to step back and decide our goals and whether we should revise them before moving forward.

We learn about ourselves

Failure can teach us things we didn’t know about ourselves, establishing what’s important in our lives and our priorities. As Bob Marley said, “You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.” 

We learn to plan

I know you will tell me you had a business plan, and everything was planned before you launched your business. Does your business plan identify potential risks, weaknesses, and threats? Do you have a plan to face them? If your answer is YES, why was your current failure not identified in your business plan? I know it’s not easy to answer.

In my business plan, I have monthly milestones to reach. And guess what?! No one would have been able to predict a pandemic. When I saw in April 2020 that the pandemic might affect my business, I had to think outside the box. I created new templates and workbooks to generate a new revenue stream.

Creating your own TV channel is a sure way never to get fired again, right? Let’s talk about Oprah! In 2013, during a Harvard commencement speech, Oprah reflected on her experiences:

“There is no such thing as failure. Failure is just life trying to move us in another direction.”

Resilience and overcoming obstacles to make your dreams a reality are essential.

Failure is not fatal. Failure simply means you get another shot to try it all again.

Remember, when you fail, learn from it and move on.

Michael Jordan said, “I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”

I’d love to know… What is your biggest tip for turning mistakes into successes?


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