Website’s footer

Website's footer

Ever been scrolling through a website’s page, and when you get to the bottom, you realize you feel like there’s nowhere else to go from there? To help you with your website footer, here are some essential elements to add:

 Copyright notice

You must include the copyright symbol (Option + G on a Mac) ©, the year or years the copyright consists of, your name or your business’s name, or both.

Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy

For GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), you should have a quick and easy way for your website’s visitors to see your Terms of Service and your Privacy Policy to understand how you use and collect data.


It’s super easy to do. Create your list of essential links to help someone navigate your website easily.

Contact info

Make it easy for anyone to contact you when they need to. Add a link to your contact page, to your email, or put your phone number.

Social Media Icons

Don’t forget to add links to all of the social channels you hang out on the most, but don’t include platforms you aren’t (or don’t plan to be very) active on. Ask your visitors to connect with you on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to create a connection with them.

Email Sign-Up

This is a great place to include your most popular Freebie. It’s a basic way for anyone to subscribe to your email list.

Remember, you must create a fantastic footer for your website. Your website’s footer will help your visitors navigate your site better & stick around longer.

What do you include in your footer? Comment below; I’d love to read it!


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